PROBLEM: Rough Seas Ahead
Operating in the world’s most hazardous offshore weather environments requires a great deal of preplanning and coordination to safely and cost effectively execute the work. You need the most up-to-date forecast data and tools available.
SOLUTION: Plan. Position. Profit.
DTN provides end to end solutions for an entire offshore project life cycle. From early exploration through planning, construction, production and decommissioning, you can get access to accurate and reliable weather data to ensure optimized processes for your stage-wise operations. The technically advanced tools allow you to easily manage all your global operations including severe weather response, whether in the office, on the go, or integrated within internal expert applications, all configured to meet your unique operating requirements.
Our Marine Products

DTN GIS provides the largest selection of precision weather layers on the market today and integrates seamlessly into the organisational applications you already use to provide high-performance delivery of weather information.
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Marine Weather API
DTN Marine Weather API offers weather and analytics solutions to the offshore and marine markets based on DTN proprietary marine forecasting capabilities and in-house marine weather forecast modeling.
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Metocean Services
Optimize your design and global operational planning processes. DTN creates Metocean consultancy reports tailored to your requirements, focusing on the conditions that are most important to your operations. We combine the most accurate model data with the expertise of an experienced Metocean engineer to deliver reports such as extreme value analysis studies on wind, wave and currents.
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Use this planning tool to optimize your “waiting on weather” decisions, increase safety and maximize the environmental impact of offshore operations. Schedule and prioritize tasks with our interactive web-based forecasting tool, which calculates the probability of operational weather windows meeting certain weather thresholds.
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Offshore Forecast Services
Make fast operational decisions with our in-house simple and flexible forecast model, specially adapted for marine forecasts. Wind, wave and swell condition forecasts are presented in a simple, easy-to-understand format, configurable to your needs.
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Severe & Tropical Weather Suite
DTN monitors your assets globally, identifying severe weather threats such as thunderstorms, tropical cyclones, squalls, and lightning proximity. With patented alerting technology and tailored decision aids, we notify and advise you of any threats to your operation.
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WeatherOps Marine Platform
Utilize WeatherOps and our expert meteorologists to monitor your assets and provide offshore and marine forecasts before and during weather impacts anywhere on the globe. Receive detailed alerts up to ten days in advance of tropical disturbances, with site-specific decision guidance.
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