MetConsole LiDAR-based Windshear Alerting System (LiWAS)

Enhance your airport’s windshear avoidance system by integrating DTN’s LiDAR-based Windshear Alerting System (LiWAS).

DTN LiWAS (LiDAR Windshear Alerting System) is a state-of-the-art solution to track headwind and tailwind direction changes in airports concerned about windshear avoidance events. Using adaptive glide-path scanning, you can either enhance an existing LiWAS or use it as a stand-alone system. DTN LiWAS has the tools you need to keep your airport operations running efficiently.


Flexibility meets ease of deployment.

The MetConsole LiWAS provides the solution to your windshear concerns. The system offers flexibility as well as reliable delivery of information. The numerous features of this system include:

  • High spatial resolution – With a range resolution of about 100 m, LiWAS can resolve windshear, which has an internationally recognized length scale between 400 m and 4 km.
  • Scanning flexibility – Compared to conventional weather radars, LiDAR has a smaller scanner which allows more flexibility in designing the scan strategy. It will enable precise depiction of the flow in terrain-induced disturbances, particularly along the glide paths, to achieve an aircraft’s point-of-view.
  • Mid-range coverage – With up to 10 km for enough presence of aerosols in the airport area, you are able to cover the last nautical miles in approach and departure.
  • Ease of deployment – The LiDAR system is a compact instrument which can be housed in a rectangular fiberglass equipment shelter with a length of 2-3 m on each side. The compact dimensions of the instrument ensure that the installation can be done very close to the runway while being fully compliant with the obstacle limitation surfaces. Moreover, a LiDAR is not an active source of electromagnetic radiation, rather it is eye-safe and requires little or no maintenance.
  • Measurement capability – Measurements are taken in any elevation and azimuth angles. It allows the detection of not only horizontal windshear, but also events that have a vertical evolution such as inversions and low-level jet streams.
  • Affordable investment – It is much simpler to deploy a LiDAR than a C-band TDWR of 8 m radius antenna dish. What’s more, its mid-range coverage replaces the need of a large anemometer network, avoiding the costs of installing additional wind stations for LLWAS systems that are usually placed outside the bounds of the airport.
  • Full integration – LiWAS was initially conceived as an enhancement to LLWAS networks, and as such, it can be combined with other DTN Weather Systems to maximize its performance and reliability.


Now you have full coverage awareness for windshear events.

When you use MetConsole LiWAS  you can:

  • Depend on the features to support quick and accurate decision making.
  • Increase safety in the most critical aviation operations and extend the range of other detection systems.
  • Save results to a historical database.
  • Be able to receive alerts of the windshear events not only close to the runway threshold but along the glide path (GP) as well.

Through MetConsole, LiWAS reaches its full capabilities to display up-to-date, detailed information, generate visual and audible alerts, automatically integrate alarms with LLWAS giving you piece of mind that you can respond when needed.

DTN Windshear Alerting Systems

Windshear integrated solutions for maximum airport operational safety.

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Track headwind and tailwind change to avoid windshear issues with this state-of-the-art system. With the MetConsole LiWAS, you’ll have the technology and tools you need to maintain an efficient airport. Keep your passengers and flight crew safe with the DTN MetConsole Weather Suite and the MetConsole LiWAS.

Try the free demo today and see how MetConsole LiWAS can streamline your operations and keep safety a priority.

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