Have You Heard of the Pineapple Express?

The Pineapple Express may sound like a fast train in the tropics, but did you know it’s an actual term to describe at atmospheric feature? https://twitter.com/RyanMaue/status/1100035136962396162 When you hear about the Pineapple Express, you may also hear the term “atmospheric river” in conjunction with it. An atmospheric river is a flow of moisture that can

Significant Severe Weather Strikes the US

Just about every type of weather happened somewhere in the US over the past weekend. Heavy rains, tornadoes, blizzards, flooding, and even a typhoon near Guam caused, and continue to cause automobile accidents, flooded land, destroyed homes, and three fatalities. At 520 PM CST, a confirmed large and extremely dangerous #tornado was located over Columbus, moving

The Hazards of Warm Weather and Melting Snow

  As temperatures warm and the snow slowly starts to disappear, you might start thinking about getting outside more. However, one potential hazard that you may not have considered is flooding.

What Factors Determine How Fast Snow Melts?

You may enjoy the freshly fallen snow for a while, but eventually, you’ll be ready for it to go away. After all, even your snowman has to disappear one day. Learn how weather affects the speed at which snow melts. Before we consider how snow melts, let’s talk about how this process occurs in general.

How Does Snow Cover Impact Temperatures?

You’re observing the freshly fallen snow at your location. While the scene can be breathtaking, how does that blanket of snow affect temperatures afterward? In most cases, sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface causes temperatures to increase throughout the day. When snow covers the ground, the incoming radiation is reflected into space. The amount of solar

Have You Heard of a Frost Quake Before?

The polar plunge is continuing across portions of the country, producing dangerously low wind chills. The cold temperatures are also causing a phenomenon known as frost quakes. People in portions of the Midwest have recently been observing loud noises described as banging sounds or loud booms. If you have heard this, it may be a

Here’s What Determines the Type of Winter Precipitation That Falls

All precipitation develops in the same way, but in winter there can be quite a variety of types. Freezing rain, sleet, snow, are all possible when it gets cold outside. Freezing Rain Freezing rain forms when the air higher in the atmosphere is above freezing while the ground  temp is below 32°F. Warmer air will cause falling snow to

Rime Ice or Hoar Frost? There is a Difference!

Have you ever stepped outside and all the trees and surfaces are covered with frost? If you look close enough, it sometimes resembles sharp spikes, and other times it may appear to be flat crystals. One of these is hoar frost, the other is rime ice. Many confuse the two, so let’s dig a little