Meet a Met: Joe Sullivan

Joe Sullivan
Iowa State – Meteorology
DTN Senior Meteorologist
Has been with DTN for 15 ½ years
What is your favorite part about being in MetOps?
The people I work with!
What is the most challenging part of being in MetOps?
Forecasting for areas of the world with little to no weather data/observations.
What is the craziest weather event you’ve experienced personally?
Camping in a torrential rain and hail storm in central South Dakota in July 2010. The storm that went over the campground was the same super cell that produced the biggest hail stone ever recorded at 8″ only 30 miles away.
What is one weather myth you always correct people on?
We’re not wrong 50% of the time!
Any fun weather facts you’d like to share?
It’s spelled “lightning”, not lightening ⚡
Alright, now a fun fact about yourself!
I can beat anyone in HORSE with the basketball hoop in the back of our office building.