ClearPath Weather Adds 72-Hour Map-Based Forecasts
Iteris is proud to announce the release of the 72-hour time slider to the map views for both ClearPath Weather and WebMDSS, our web-based maintenance decision support system (MDSS).
Whereas the previous time slider could only go forward 24 hours in the future, the new 72-hour time slider now enables users to view products such as radar and surface temperature on one-hour timesteps all the way out to three days in the future.
Keep in mind, nothing has changed to viewable products from 24 hours in the past or future. Currently, products that are viewable beyond 24 hours are found within the overlay dropdown menu in the weather and radar/satellite categories. Risk maps, such as accumulation totals, still work as they did previously, where the slider is set to the current time and will display the current risk or the forecasted precipitation amount.
Key benefits
The 72-hour time slider can also help users see strong wind forecasts for the region that are causing blowing snow or dust, which can reduce visibility. You can even use the 72-hour slider to view forecasted regional temperatures, so you can discover if any part of your region has the potential for below-freezing temperatures. The 72-hour time slider makes it easier to view extended forecasts within the map view, allowing you to zoom into the route and street-level views.
Quick tip
When using the time slider past 24 hours, images may be slow to load at first, so it is advised to loop through the time periods once to allow the images to fully load, so the second loop is much smoother.
Coming soon
Keep an eye out as MDSS road alerts will soon be available past 24 hours in the map view. However, until then they can be seen out to 48 hours in the table view. You can also select how far in the future you want the slider to go before looping back to the current time with two new dropdown menu choices of 48 and 72 hours.
The Bottom Line
While the table and graph view are undoubtedly powerful tools for viewing forecasts for a specific road segment, the map view allows you to see the entire region’s forecast, making it far easier to see where incoming storms may be heading and pinpoint where the greatest impacts may be.