How Does Your Electric Company Plan For Severe Weather

Blog Header Electrical Pylon with lightning in sky

Severe weather continues to be a major thorn in the side of utility companies, and climate change has only increased the challenges in recent years. The resulting power outages have a devastating effect, shutting down schools and businesses and even slowing down emergency services.

2021 Hurricane Season Oil and Gas Market Outlook

Hurricane on map Blog Header

Peak hurricane activity in the Atlantic is just a few weeks away. For oil and gas market participants, it’s time to take a serious and detailed look at how this is likely to impact markets.

The Calm Before the Storm
Hurricane Outlook Still on Track For Active Season

dark blue threatening skies over calm ocean

While this year’s hurricane season has been quiet for the past few weeks, all signs point toward the season ramping up in the coming months and meeting the original projection in terms of number and strength of storms. While it is still not predicted to be as busy as last year’s hurricane season with its

Weather Is The Culprit And Solution For Power Outages

News Insights Forbes Power Outages

Utilities are being challenged by recent extreme weather events and the constant variability of the atmosphere. Not only is this wreaking havoc on grid reliability and load forecasting, but it is also spurring new regulations.