How Today’s Aviation Technology Boosts Safety and Efficiency

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It is almost 120 years since the Wright brothers achieved the first powered, sustained, and controlled airplane flight. Aviation technology has made many incredible advances in that time. However, despite all that progress, there continue to be problems that make the experience of flying less than comfortable at times for airline personnel and travelers alike.

What are Different Models of Tropical Storm Tracking?

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For some, accurately forecasting a hurricane or tropical cyclone allows them to plan in advance and avoid the inconvenience of a disrupted trip or take needed precautions to protect their home. But for the key players in industries who have millions of dollars on the line when faced with severe weather, accurate and timely hurricane tracking becomes all the more important. Thankfully, there are many different tropical storm tracking models available to help businesses plan ahead.

How Can Fog Forecasting Protect Shipping?

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Fog can be exceedingly difficult, at times even impossible, to navigate, and it can spell swift disaster for shipping companies and their employees. The following examines the types of fog and how they form before looking at how fog forecasting can help shipping companies meet the challenge.

Securing Help in Dealing With a Power Outage

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Utilities face weather challenges regularly, and with global climate change, that danger is increasing. Optimizing your power restoration process and making confident, data-based decisions is key to reducing the damage to your service territory. With Storm Impact Analytics, your utility will be able to rise to the challenge and provide the best service to your customers.

Historical Weather Data and Predicting Future Events

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The weather is so unpredictable. You never know what the weather will be like next week, or even tomorrow for that matter. For most of your life, not having a reliable weather forecast is relatively low-risk. For example, you may not have an umbrella when you need it, but you can still carry on with your day relatively unscathed. However, as someone who works in the utility industry, the risks are much higher. For example, lengthy power outages in a particular area can lead to severe and widespread damage when there is no power for weeks after a big storm.

How Does The Weather Affect The Outcome Of A College Football Game?

Blog Header Football in the snow

Game time was fast approaching. Should the club hold the game or cancel it for inclement weather? The best weather report they could find showed there was a chance the cold weather would shift more to the north. Not wanting to disappoint the fans, management made the decision, game on! But an hour and a half into the game, shivering fans in the stands, and turf conditions tell otherwise.

How Do Weather Conditions Affect Cruises?

Blog header Cruise ship during a storm

As the world has seen in the last few years, world conditions and weather continue to present new challenges to the tourism industry, especially cruise lines. However, the travel industry continues to lead the way in adapting to new global conditions, and they have made significant advancements to ensure their guests can continue traveling in a safe, enjoyable environment. 

Weathering the Storm: Winter Threats to Power Lines

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According to the US Department of Energy (DOE), power outages cost more than $150 billion each year. Therefore, it’s critical for utilities to maintain safety and convenience for their customers and their bottom line. You cannot avoid winter weather, so what can be done? How can your utility successfully weather the storm? Storm Impact Analysis is one tool that has been proven to better plan staffing and power restoration with specific predictions.