How Can I Protect My Vessels and Personnel From Surprise/Freak Weather Events?

Blog header Container ship in lightning storm

To steer clear of hurricanes and other tropical storms, get ahead of the weather with DTN Severe & Tropical Weather Suite. Protect your vessels and personnel using this 24/7 global monitoring system. It includes a seven-day forecast summary twice a day regarding active tropical systems; as well as development potential, movements, and defined tracks for tropical waves. 

How Does Aging Infrastructure Affect Utility Companies?

Blog header Utility worker on cherrypicker

Given the importance of utility infrastructure, it is surprising that many of the pieces of equipment in the United States are decades old. This aging of equipment is having an impact on utility companies and could lead to severe problems down the line. Storm Impact Analytics knows that the age and condition of infrastructure directly affect its power restoration time. That is why its data modeling includes weather intelligence and other data to create actionable insights that you can rely upon.

What Is Wet Bulb Globe Temperature and Why Is It Measured?

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When preparing to go outside for work or play, most people check the temperature. Why? Because the weather and temperature dictate so many of our daily choices. It affects whether or not we bring an umbrella or how many layers we need to stay warm or cool. A simple check for the temperature alone is not enough. Humidity also makes an enormous impact. But wet bulb globe temperature is so much more than that.

How Do You Account For Uncertainty in Evacuation Decisions?

Blog header Offshore platform in storm

The weather can take a downward turn, and you need to know when to evacuate. Before discussing how to account for uncertainty, you need to look at the reasons you might need to evacuate, the methods at your disposal, and why it matters when you evacuate.

How Does Ice on a Plane Affect the Ability for a Flight? – Aircraft IceGuard

Blog header airplane on snowy ground

For airlines, maintaining passenger safety is of utmost importance, so winter weather conditions bring a variety of challenges. For example, unnecessary de-icing and anti-icing of aircraft costs time and money. Failure to predict when de-icing is truly required can lead to safety risks, delayed flights, and even cancellations. To help airports and airlines maneuver around these crucial decisions, DTN developed Aircraft IceGuard.

How To Reduce Your Power Outage Restoration Time

Blog header Lightning strike over houses

Every utility knows that power outages are unavoidable. However, your restoration process can be streamlined and made more efficient. If you have the right tools and strategies in place, it can be your time to shine when the lights go out.