Geospatial Images and Clear Air Turbulence

Blog header Airplane in blue sky

There are different types of turbulence, but clear air turbulence or CAT is especially hazardous for pilots, crew, and passengers. One telling statistic is that turbulence incidents account for more than 70 percent of all weather-related incidents that can cause damage and injury.

What Kind Of Weather Data Do Utilities Need?

Blog header Utility workers with ice branch in foreground

Mark Twain once said about the weather, “In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.” This unpredictability has made the average person concerned with the weather forecast. How much more so for those who hold positions of responsibility in electric utility companies?

Gaining An Edge In Securing Mutual Assistance

Blog header Two Utility Trucks

Mutual aid can quickly complicate matters and frustrate clients without accurate information and proper procedures in place. With the pressures of power outages and customer expectations, a utility company can rapidly go from “strength in numbers” to “too much of a good thing.”

How Can I Decrease My Alpha Factor Margin?

Blog header cargo ship sailing

There are many pieces of information that are collected when planning a marine operation, from the risk assessment to its alpha factor. These practices are in place to ensure that any process is done safely and that the equipment and crew are protected from unsafe weather conditions.