Discouraging Times for US Wheat Producers

  Wheat Tour DTN Staff Reporter Emily Unglesbee joined tour scouts last week, driving all over Kansas, making meticulous yield estimates and noting the kinds of details that go missing from USDA’s Crop Progress reports. Yes, Kansas wheat yields are expected to be higher this year as few traces of last year’s drought remain. The

DTN Energy Summit 2019

DTN energy summit news header

August 6-8, Omaha, NE
Featured speaker:
Jim Carroll

One of the world’s leading international futurists, trend, and innovation experts, Jim Carroll has provided strategic guidance and insight for more than 20 years.

The Benefits of Arbitrage

Savvy fuel buyers know how and when to practice arbitrage—buying something in one market or option and simultaneously selling it in another market or option at a higher price— to increase their volume and profitability. Arbitrage, or arb, opportunities could come from several different sources: Making the Best Buy at a Single Rack—There’s nothing wrong

Critical Price Assessments with the DTN Excel Add-In

DTN ProphetX’s price assessment tool is second to none for better market analysis in this ever-changing industry. With it, industry professionals can make more profitable decisions with innovative analysis, unmatched trading intelligence, and up-to-the-minute insight into market-moving events. It’s time to maximize profits with a host of innovative analysis and price assessment tools – let’s