Market Prices Remain Best Arbiter of Oil Production Levels

Sunrise in oil field Pumpjack Silhouette

While the heads of the world’s largest oil producing nations were quick to claim a diplomatic victory following the latest OPEC+ output cut agreement, crude prices are telling a different story. Prompt month Brent and WTI futures contracts are now trading nearly 20% lower from their early April highs, both returning to a super contango forward curve price structure following the conclusion of the OPEC+ meeting.

Uncharted Waters Webinar

Businessman touching graphs and charts

Industry expert Dominick Chirichella led over 600 people through a webinar on Thursday, April 2nd, titled, “Uncharted Waters: Fuel Market Risks & Variables.” Dominick’s decades of experience as an energy industry analyst and trader served the audience well, as he took them through our current, unprecedented situation.

Uncharted Waters, Fuel Market Risks & Variables

news insights oil barrel on dock with lifesaver

The dual pressures of the Saudi Arabia-Russia price war and COVID-19 have shocked the energy sector. In our webinar, industry expert Dominick Chrichella will explain the dynamics of the market, what to expect, and what you can do to reduce negative impact to your business.