Learn the impact that estimated temperature instead of actual temperature makes on your bottom line.
How does temperature affect profitability?

Learn the impact that estimated temperature instead of actual temperature makes on your bottom line.
Last Friday, we pointed out that the weekly EIA data was far from bullish despite the attention given to the reported draw to commercial crude stocks.
Fuel volume changes due to thermal expansion. See what that means for your bottom line in our infographic.
In early April we called for China to remain the most resilient importer and source of oil demand in the world amid the recent plunge in global crude prices.
In the middle of a global crisis, most people go into survival mode. The first thing on their minds isn’t whether or not it’s a good time for commodity trading. The majority need to focus on weathering the crisis and holding on to their jobs, homes, and future. But for those in the commodity trading
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When BOLs go missing, so does your profit. Watch how DTN BOL Recon solves that problem.