How & Why Commodity Prices Move Up and Down

Blog header Trading laptop commodities

Are you looking to invest in commodity trading but are hesitant to do it because of the complexity of this market? If so, that’s understandable – many would agree that this is an unpredictable market. But once you understand the factors that cause commodity prices to fluctuate and how you can use the crop weather calendar, the market becomes easier to follow.

How Are Drones Used in Farming?

Blog header Two farmers flying drone

The battle to run a farm efficiently in the face of climate change and other obstacles is challenging for farmers. If you are a farmer who wants to fight back, you need to embrace any advantage that technology can offer. One way to increase efficiency and overcome several obstacles is by the use of drones in agriculture.

Determining What to Plant Leads to Agricultural Success

Blog header Various Grains

Market prices are a key factor in deciding what to plant. But, in addition to looking at current prices and the price outlook for the commodity in question, what other important factors should you consider when making that planting decision? Being aware of the essential need-to-know elements in the planning stage will make the difference between your expansion being unsuccessful or successful.

The Role of Weather Forecasting in Agriculture

Blog header cornfield with storm clouds in the distance

Weather forecasting in food and agriculture is more than just a scientific curiosity. Having the advantage of knowing in advance the atmospheric conditions for a specific location can save your crops, protect your property, and even save your life in extreme situations. 

Ep 73: Waking the Bears with October WASDE

News Insights Field Posts Podcast

Host Sarah Mock and DTN Lead Analyst Todd Hultman talk about the changes to stocks and demand estimates, how global supply chain disruptions are likely to continue unsettling ag exports, and how changes in the size of the US’s livestock herds might be affecting feed demand.

How Digital Farming Is Revolutionizing the Food Supply Chain

Blog Header Tech Tractor with Data

The food supply chain is often a long and complicated process that involves many different parties. It can be challenging to keep track of all the food being produced, where it’s going, and if it’s safe from contamination. This is why digital farming has been able to revolutionize food production. Digital farming uses data to improve food safety, grow healthier food more quickly, produce more food with fewer resources, and even distribute food more efficiently!

Ag Summit – Keynote Speaker

News insights Terry Branstad Ag Summit Keynote

Gain insights into the leading trends facing farming with former U.S. Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad and other agriculture experts at the DTN Ag Summit, December 5-7 in Chicago.