PROBLEM: Working in a Challenging Industry

The agribusiness market is in constant flux. Weather events, outbreaks of disease, market shifts, regulations, and competitor changes presents a new set of variables every day that affect your planning and your bottom line of your bio-economy.

SOLUTION: Tools to Help You Better Support Your Customers

With DTN monitoring 24/7, 365 days a year, you will be provided the reports of business-critical information, as well as the insights needed to adapt your models and capitalize on market trends. DTN provides timely, proprietary information you can’t get anywhere else in an accessible, daily format that allows you to be responsive to changes in the market. With this information at your fingertips, you can make better predictions and invest appropriately with your agribusiness data-informed decisions.

You can trust DTN to provide the most robust & accurate information you need. We have more than 30 years of experience in the agribusiness industry, and our commercial weather information system has been rated the best in North America for the past decade. Our comprehensive weather stations and award-winning agriculture newsrooms deliver the superior insights you need as an agribusiness decision-maker.

Our Agribusiness Products

Product Card Farmer on tablet

Reach your ag audiences with programmatic precision by positioning your tailored marketing messages in front of the right producers at the right time and place.

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ClearAg corn field

ClearAg is a solution that combines applied meteorological expertise, state-of-the-science land, and surface agronomic modeling. Along with adaptive data processing, over 20 years of accurate, location-specific, and predictive insights are distributed to customers across the globe.

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DTN Content Services

Seamlessly integrate our award-winning ag insights and content to your site and match it to your unique brand.

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DTN Grain Portal

This platform allows agribusiness to buy grain from farmers 24/7. The portal is connected to the grain traders order execution trading platform for auto-hedging, giving the grain buyer the comfort of accepting offers 24/7.

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DTN ProphetX®

With so much at stake, DTN ProphetX has emerged as the most trusted ag information service on the market. Get your competitive edge with DTN ProphetX and start trading now!

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Ecofield Product Card
EcoField™ data

EcoField data delivers sustainable farming practice insights to help agribusinesses better identify, understand and connect with sustainable farmers to more efficiently and effectively support ESG planning, sales and marketing efforts.

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Ag Farm Market data Product Card
FarmMarket data

Transform your strategic planning, marketing programs, agribusiness management, and sales cycles with detailed, accurate profiles and datapoints for more than 95% of U.S. producers.

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MyDTN is the leading independent source of actionable insights, real-time market commentary, field-level forecasts, and proprietary industry coverage.

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