Reliable weather monitoring. Anywhere. Anytime.

DTN RadarScope® mobile app delivers real-time, professional-quality, hyper-local storm tracking and weather data. Experience professional-grade weather radar anywhere, anytime.

Available on all platforms. Download today.

Hand holding phone with RadarScope app
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RadarScope that fits you best

RadarScope is designed for professionals who rely on highly accurate, real-time weather tracking in their hyper-specific locations.

Choose the features that fit you best.

  • Real-time non-gridded lightning data feed with animated radar
  • Tornado and thunderstorm watches covering the U.S. and Canada
  • Extended radar loops (up to 30 frames of super-res data)
  • Inspector tool to review data values (reflectivity, doppler velocity, etc.)
  • Dual-pane capability for side-by-side comparisons
  • Ability to import custom color tables for radar products
  • Shared across iOS and tvOS for devices using same account


All features of Tier One as above, plus…

  • Extended radar loops (up to 50 frames of super-res data)
  • Archived radar data allows review from the previous 30 days
    • plus non-super-res data from the past 18 months for NEXRAD and TDWR radars
  • Shear contours covers the U.S. to detect storm rotation
    • to help identify a mesocyclone, and
    • to provide where a tornado may develop
  • Hail probability and size contours for the U.S.
    • to view where hail may have fallen and
    • to view how large it was
  • SPC day-one convective outlooks cover the U.S.
  • SPC mesoscale discussions covering the U.S.
  • Special statements from the U.S. National Weather Service and Environment Canada
  • Local storm reports from the U.S. National Weather Service
  • Detailed road maps
  • Satellite base maps
  • Level II Radar Data
  • Share Tier Two access across 5 devices—regardless of platform

$99.99/annual (or $14.99/mo)

The more you know

Get to know RadarScope with these helpful links.

User’s guide   
Purchasing information
Information articles

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